Opening Hours
Mon – Fri 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM


Opening Hours
Mon – Fri 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Upbringing and education

Advantages of a crèche

Advantages of a crèche

Many parents are faced with the question of when and whether their child should be placed in care. Is a state or private institution the right one then? Of course, this often depends on the parents' professional and financial situation. In most cases, a place in a...

Healthy and balanced nutrition for children

Healthy and balanced nutrition for children

As long as your child is still at home, you as parents are solely responsible for its nutrition. However, this changes as soon as your child attends a day care centre. From this point on, it is important that everyone involved works together to ensure that your child...

Advantages of bilingual early education 

Advantages of bilingual early education 

Raising a child presents parents with challenges from the very beginning and with many questions to which answers must be found. Thus, the topic of multilingualism is also playing an increasingly important role in education. Due to globalization, we now live in a...